Alumni Bible Study

A Bible study initially set up for alumni of the Senior Sunday School Class at the First United Methodist Church of Lufkin, Texas. It is our hope and our prayer that this study touches the hearts of those who participate and helps spread the love and grace of Our Lord and God. All who want to learn more about God are welcome

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Location: lufkin, Texas, United States

I am a Christian family man, Lay Pastor and writer from Deep East Texas. I love life, and I enjoy working with young people. I have published two books; "A Small Mind Among Tall Trees" and "God If You Are Not Too Busy, Can You Give Me a Hand". If you want to obtain a copy drop me an e-mail or go to or barnesand . I have been a salesman, cowman and athlete in my past. I still have a strong sense of humor and am not afraid to use it.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Galatians Overview

Relax, Read and Reflect
Prayer-Lord, Open my heart and open my mind and help me learn. Go-Fight-Win. Amen.
Before we start to study this book of the Bible, let’s find out a little background on it. Galatians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the church at Galatia founded by Paul in his first missionary journey. Galatia was in Asia Minor, or present day Turkey. The main issue he addresses in this letter is whether Christians must become Jews before they can be real Christians. This letter from Paul has been called the Magna Carta of Christian liberty.
In Galatians, Paul calls the Church back to the pure gospel, that Christ died for ALL people, and all are saved through this action. Salvation is a gift of God’s grace to all through his gift of Jesus, and nothing else! With this foundation laid, Paul goes on to talk about man’s freedom through Christ.
Prayer- Lord, Let me reflect on the freedom that You have given me, and how I have used it. Thank you for that gift, and the gift of Your son. Go-Fight-Win. Amen.


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