Micah 3:9-12
Prayer- Lord, Open our hearts and open our minds and help us learn. Go- Fight- Win. Amen.
Micah 3:9-12 (New International Version, ©2011)9 Hear this, you leaders of Jacob,
you rulers of Israel,
who despise justice
and distort all that is right;
10 who build Zion with bloodshed,
and Jerusalem with wickedness.
11 Her leaders judge for a bribe,
her priests teach for a price,
and her prophets tell fortunes for money.
Yet they look for the LORD’s support and say,
"Is not the LORD among us?
No disaster will come upon us."
12 Therefore because of you,
Zion will be plowed like a field,
Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble,
the temple hill a mound overgrown with thickets.
Micah is again fore-telling of the fall of the kingdom and the destruction of the Temple. This could not have been a popular stance, no one likes to hear of destruction of their home. He blames this impending doom on one thing- the rulers. That doesn’t make it any easier to hear, or to preach.
Even today we would rather hear the feel good sermons over the hell fire. This book get’s me to thinking- is this really what we need to hear today?
1. Who is responsible for the destruction of Jerusalem?
2. What can the people do?
3. How is this message received today?
Prayer- Lord, help us to hear all you have to say to us, not just the goodie. Go-Fight-Win. Amen.