Alumni Bible Study

A Bible study initially set up for alumni of the Senior Sunday School Class at the First United Methodist Church of Lufkin, Texas. It is our hope and our prayer that this study touches the hearts of those who participate and helps spread the love and grace of Our Lord and God. All who want to learn more about God are welcome

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Location: lufkin, Texas, United States

I am a Christian family man, Lay Pastor and writer from Deep East Texas. I love life, and I enjoy working with young people. I have published two books; "A Small Mind Among Tall Trees" and "God If You Are Not Too Busy, Can You Give Me a Hand". If you want to obtain a copy drop me an e-mail or go to or barnesand . I have been a salesman, cowman and athlete in my past. I still have a strong sense of humor and am not afraid to use it.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Ehphesians 4:25-32

Prayer-Lord, Open my heart and open my mind and help me learn. G-F-W. Amen.

25Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26"In your anger do not sin", Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27and do not give the devil a foothold. 28He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.
29Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of
redemption. 31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Once again, we are told that we need to start living the gospel, not just preaching it. Don’t lie, don’t let anger cause you to sin. It is important to note that Paul is not saying that you can’t get angry, that is an emotion that God gives us. We can not let our anger let sin get a foothold in our lives. Don’t let anger rule you, rule your anger. Don’t bottle your anger up inside, it will only cause bitterness and pain. This may be a good time to ask yourself if you are angry with someone and have let the anger last for more than a day. Ask God for help, because Satan is waiting to use this as an advantage.
Remember that the Holy Spirit dwells in us. If we talk or act in a way contrary to God’s teaching, we are grieving the Holy Spirit. Compassion and mercy are big with God. He expects us to forgive others, as we have been forgiven.
Prayer-Lord, Help me remember that you are with me ALWAYS. I do not want to take away your power of love, because I need all of your love, all of the time. Go-Fight-Win. Amen.
Things to do: Forgive, do not stay angry with another,(or yourself.) Do some forgiving, and forgiveness will come your way.


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